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Introduction to F.A.S.T. for SMEs

13 different programs in finance, investment, sales, and technology

F - Financial Support : Cooperative loan, Credit inquiry and evaluation support, Business workforce financial aid

A - Advisory Partnership, Creation of investment ecosystem : Investment related consulting, Technology growth IPO consulting

S - Sustainable Market, Market support : On/offline domestic marketing, Online exhibitions

T - Technological Advancement, Technology development : Technology commercialization management consulting, On-site diagnosis of technology commercialization, Certification support, IRPs support, Technology escrow

+ - plus, Sherpa : Sherpa program (Dispatching senior workers from public institutions)


All IIAC’s business partners

Detail : SMEs participating in joint research projects, SMEs registered in IIAC’s Techmarket platform, SMEs in the technology and manufacturing sectors with valid product delivery records over the past three years

Support Direction

Quantitative evaluation on a first-come, first-served basis until the allocated budget is completely exhausted

Application Process

1. Go to IIAC Techmarket website (

2. Select the "F.A.S.T." menu and check the notice

3. Download application form

Post Procedure

1. Program initialization - Selected SME

2. Submission of related documents - Selected SME

3. Verification process - IIAC

4. Fund transfer - Foundation for Agricultural and Fishery Cooperation of SMEs