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PR Center

Air Traffic Statistics

Incheon International Airport Statistics

Incheon International Airport's performance only(Arrival and departure are based on Incheon International Airport.)

Performance by terminal can only be retrieved by passenger flight service and passenger performance

Monthly statistics are updated after five days of the following month's first business day (excl. weekends and holidays).

(unit: line, person, ton)

요일별 통계에 대한 안내 표입니다.
Day of the week Flight Passengers Cargo
Arrival Departure Total Arrival Departure Total Arrival Departure Total
Monday 2,633 2,641 5,274 464,143 472,298 936,441 18,872 16,102 34,974
Tuesday 2,699 2,627 5,326 439,931 432,455 872,386 18,624 18,038 36,662
Wednesday 2,173 2,270 4,443 350,114 375,295 725,409 17,745 18,083 35,828
Thursday 2,212 2,179 4,391 355,720 360,599 716,319 18,267 16,800 35,067
Friday 2,219 2,212 4,431 371,073 392,884 763,957 17,665 17,243 34,908
Saturday 2,177 2,174 4,351 384,063 380,585 764,648 17,275 16,370 33,646
Sunday 2,156 2,151 4,307 401,509 383,050 784,559 16,459 15,849 32,307
Total 16,269 16,254 32,523 2,766,553 2,797,166 5,563,719 124,906 118,485 243,392
YoY +29.1%
For inquiries posted on the website, contact us using the following information.
  • Department : Airport Research Center
  • TEL : 032-741-2093