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Airport Operations/Safety

Baggage Handling System

Overview of Baggage Handling System (BHS)

This is a system that automatically transports and sorts bags dropped by passengers by flight, and inspects to find harmful goods using X-ray machines on conveyor lines, thus fully preparing for safe aviation.

Baggage Handling Results

(as of 2019)

수하물 처리 실적 안내 표-처리량,수하물 처리 정확도,수하물 미탑재율
Handled volume Accuracy of baggage handling Percentage of bags not loaded
172,000(daily average)
99.9997% 2 of 1 million bags at Incheon Airport
(global average: 111 of 1 million bags)
Current Status of Facility
수하물 처리 시설현황 안내 표-안전지표,발생지표,지표정의
Category Passenger Terminal 1 Boarding Area Passenger Terminal 2
Total Length 21km 67km 53km
Departure/Transfer Conveyor belt + baggage sorter Conveyor belt + high-speed system Conveyor belt + baggage sorter + high-speed system
Arrival Common conveyor Common conveyor Common conveyor
Normal speed 1.5m/s 7m/s 7m/s
Baggage Handling Procedure
Departure Baggage

The bags dropped off by passengers departing from Incheon Airport are loaded onto aircrafts after being transported along the following route.

  1. 1 Utilizing a check-in counter or smart check-in machine to place baggage on the conveyor
  2. 2 Searching for harmful goods by inspection devices for safe aviation
  3. 3 If there are no harmful goods, proceeding to transport baggage by setting the final destination (departing baggage claim area) as that of the flight onto which it will be loaded
  4. 4 Transporting via the optimal route and arriving to the predefined departing baggage claim area
  5. 5 Ground operation company moving the baggage onto ULD (container for loading onto aircrafts) and then loading them on aircrafts
  1. Baggage insertion
  2. Baggage inspection
  3. Baggage loading and transport
  4. Baggage sorting
  5. Loaded onto airplane

※ Precautions for baggage drop-off

  • The baggage handling facility at Incheon Airport automatically sorts bags by the barcode information on the tags attached to bags. If old barcodes have not been removed, bags may be transported to the wrong destination so make sure to remove the baggage tags from previous trips.
  • Please only drop off bags that are suitable in accordance with the Checked Baggage Size Table for International Flights. See Checked Baggage Size Table
Arrival Baggage

The bags dropped off by passengers arriving to Incheon Airport reach the arrival baggage claim area after being transported along the following route.

  1. 1 Ground operation company unloads ULD (container for loading onto aircrafts) and then inserts bags into the arrival baggage insertion station
  2. 2 Performance of X-ray machine and detection dog for customs inspection and search for illegal items (narcotics, etc.)
  3. 3 After search is complete, arrival at the arrival baggage claim area along the conveyor line
  1. Baggage insertion
  2. Customs inspection
  3. Search by detection dogs
  4. Baggage transport
  5. Baggage receipt

Checked Baggage Size Table for International Flights

국제선 위탁수하물 규격 안내 표-구분(mm),폭(mm),높이(mm),길이(mm),무게(kg)
Category Width(mm) Height(mm) Length(mm) Weight(kg)
General baggage Departure 700 450 900 50
Arrival 700 700 1,300 50
Transfer 700 450 900 50
Large-sized baggage Departure 750 550 1,500 70
Arrival 750 700 1,500 70
Transfer 750 550 1,500 70
Smallest possible baggage size 75 75 150 0.5
Direct any questions regarding information on the website to:
  • Managing department : BHS Operations Team
  • Telephone : +82-32-741-2676, 2677